Orbs usually are spheres that appear to be in different sizes, colors, and opacity. They appear in photographs and are alleged by some to be a form of basic spirit energy in the genesis of manifestation.
It is nearly impossible to be seen with the naked eye. The paranormal study has discussed about orbs and explained about the unusual phenomenon of digital photography. Appearance of orbs in hundreds of photographs can be explained as a “proof” of the existence of ghosts and the supernatural.
Often the photographs with orbs were taken in locations, the vast majority of orb photographs have originated with groups of avid “ghost hunters,” hobbyists, really, during eager “investigations” in cemeteries throughout the hills, plains, and backwaters of the UK, Europe and the United States. Occasionally, and with increasing frequency, it might be noted, orbs have appeared in photographs taken at other locations with no connection whatsoever to hauntings, such as the homes and workplaces of these intrepid paranormal enthusiasts. These orb manifestations have been just as eagerly documented and often generate a proliferation of initial excitement among the enthusiastic little groups involved – surely, they insist, this is only further proof of the existence of ghosts and the supernatural?
Though orbs can be acceptably defined there are different schools of thought on what these bizarre little globules actually are. Many, most especially detractors of the use of digital photography, believe the spheres of light to be merely the presence of debris – dust, pollen, water droplets - on the camera lens or at best the failure of the digital technology to maximize available light (flash or ambient) in particular situations resulting in gapping that appears suspiciously three dimensional in comparison to the remainder of the photograph.
The scientific explanation to these orbs can be seen here in Wikipedia link.
Even here there is a Paranormal interpretation to this phenomenon which is still unexplainable.
All those who have experienced this, believe in this mystery.
A troop on their trip to one of the strangest waterfall found these strange round circles in the snaps they took. They thought it was some water particles or speck on their cam and started cleaning the cam. But even to their best effort, the mysterious circles still persisted.
They said that the speck did not appear when the cam was facing the other side of the waterfall but when the cam was held towards the waterfall, the strange circle reappeared. On googling (google searching), it was found that nearly 12 people died there that year. All among the crew were freaked on hearing about orbs and the unexplainable mystery behind it.
Different color of orbs denote different meaning.
Classic color-symbol interpretation would say that red equates with anger or passion, yellow with honestly, blue with calm and tranquility, purple with royalty or spiritual awareness. This is what i read from different sources. These could be possibly said as an assumption or theory that has no evidence.
One thing that can be stated is that some photo glitches are unexplainable. These could be paranormal in nature. We can thus say that appearance of these unexplainable glitches are due to some reason and couldn't probably be of any coincidence or may be because of something unusual that is going on.
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